The university has adopted the following guidelines, 为了在浩博体育app组织主办的活动中促进安全和遵守州法律和地方条例,这些活动将提供酒精.

本指引适用于学联会认可的所有大学学生组织, 希腊字母组织, 还有大学运动队.

所有活动均应遵守本学生手册中规定的浩博体育app规章制度, 以及联邦政府, 状态, 以及当地法律.

An organization that plans to have a Social Event must complete the 活动报名表格 并满足以下要求:



  • Distributing alcohol through a common source, including bulk quantities (e.g., 桶, 庆功酒, 冷却器), which are not being served by a licensed and insured third party vendor, 是被禁止的. The only acceptable means of distributing alcohol is described below.
  • No alcoholic beverages may be purchased using organization funds, 或由会员或客人汇集的资金(e.g., 入学费用, 支付的费用, 通过数字应用程序筹集资金), nor may an individual purchase/提供 alcoholic beverages on behalf of the organization.
  • Alcohol may be brought to a Registered event (BYOB) by individuals who are both:
    • 年满21岁,
    • Appear on the registered event guest list (including members of the host organization).
  • 在社交场合喝酒, must only be 消费d by the 21+ year old who brought it to the Social Event.
  • No person under the legal drinking age may possess, 消费, 提供或被提供酒精饮料.
  • 组织成员和客人必须遵守有关非法药物和管制物质的联邦法律. 任何人不得拥有, 使用, 提供, 分发, sell and/or manufacture illegal drugs or other controlled substance while at any Social 浩博体育app.
  • 在活动中,每位21岁以上客人的酒精总量不得超过4份.
  • 酒精饮料:
    • 12盎司的啤酒或加了香料的苏打水, 187毫升酒, or 8-ounce malt liquor per 21+ year old who is present. 有关饮品的指引如下:
    • Must be in cans, paper, or plastic containers. 没有玻璃;
    • 必须是一个供餐容器;
    • 酒精含量不得超过6%;
    • 所有容器必须密封. Any container that has been opened will not be accepted at the entrance;
    • At the event, a 21+ year old may receive and be in possession of only one beverage at a time;
    • 学生s may only 消费 one beverage per hour while the event is in session;
    • Alcoholic beverages may not be served until the official start time of the event;
    • 任何明显喝醉的人或没有佩戴21+腕带的人不得饮用酒精饮料;
  • Members of host organization or guests must not permit, 鼓励, 强迫, glorify or participate in any activities involving the rapid consumption of alcohol, 比如喝酒游戏. One designated “bar area” must be delineated where alcohol is to be served.
    • The designated bar area must be supervised by a trained TIPS Team Member at all times;
  • 未经学生领导办公室事先书面批准,不得在宿舍或其他指定区域以外的校园内饮酒 & 订婚.



  • Registered 浩博体育app may only be held in the 18th Street Commons Community Building, 大学大道的房子或Phi Mu Delta的房子或由学生院长批准的位置 & 浩博体育app网站;
  • 希腊信件组织必须向领导办公室提交有效的接待酒责任险 & 订婚 (contact your organization to request a copy);
  • 每学期允许的社交活动数量取决于组织有效注册和管理社交活动的能力;
  • Social 浩博体育app may only be held when the fall and spring academic terms are in session. They may not be held during midterm examination periods, 读书的日子, 期末考试时间, or, 希腊字母组织, 在任何与新会员入会或新会员教育有关的活动期间.;
  • Proper registration must be filed by noon, five (5) business days prior to the function (e.g., 学生 organizations requesting an event for Friday or Saturday must register by 12 p.m. (同一星期的星期一). The registration form will include the guest list, TIPS团队成员, 任何与社交活动(校外社交活动)有关的合同必须提前三周登记, 见正式政策);
  • Any event where alcohol is present may not be advertised, 必须只接受邀请吗, and the host organization must utilize a guest list system;
  • Attendance at Social 浩博体育app is limited to 2:1 maximum guest to member ratio, and must not exceed local fire or building code capacity of the venue;
  • 社交活动时间:
    • 获授权的社交活动将于每周五晚上举行,时间不超过四小时, 星期六下午或晚上, 或星期天下午;
    • Registered 浩博体育app starting Friday and Saturday night must end by 2 a.m. no matter what the start time is; events on Sunday must end by 8 p.m.
    • 在这些参数之外的任何考虑都可以要求,并将通过领导办公室逐案审查 & 订婚.



  • Guests may only enter Social 浩博体育app from the front entrance of the ho使用 or venue. 活动期间,大学大道宿舍及披Mu Delta宿舍的客人不得上楼;
  • 所有的客人, 包括组织成员, 必须随身携带浩博体育app ID或SU Guest pass,否则将由受过TIPS培训的会员要求离开;
  • 在活动期间,必须在门口准备一份经批准的宾客名单. Only students who are 在被批准的客人名单上 are permitted to attend the function;
  • All non-SU guests must be at least 18 years old, 在被批准的客人名单上, have a valid SU Guest Pass (Please see the Guest Pass Policy in this Handbook), 有效的身份证明形式, and an SU student present at the Social Event who is responsible for the actions of the guest. Non-SU guests may not receive a wristband or be served alcohol;
  • 个别机构负责组成干预程序训练小组,保持清醒并管理活动的运作. The names of TIPS团队成员 must be 提供d on the registration form. TIPS小组应由接受过领导办公室授权或提供的TIPS培训的成员组成 & 订婚. The TIPS Team will ensure compliance with alcohol and occupancy restrictions as outlined above. 每个组织应遵守其国家/国际组织制定的活动管理政策(如适用);
  • 此类活动的主办者对其客人的行为和安全负责,并必须意识到向他人提供酒精饮料和提供饮酒地点或活动所承担的责任;
  • 主办机构必须提供至少5名TIPS团队成员或10:1的客人与TIPS成员的最大比例. Uninitiated members of Greek Letter Organizations may not serve as a TIPS member.
  • 联系领导办公室 & 订婚 for a list of students who are TIPS trained. TIPS团队成员不必持有举办活动的组织的会员资格.
  • The minimum amount of TIPS团队成员, should perform their duties as follows:
    • Two TIPS团队成员 at the front entrance of the ho使用 or venue checking IDs, cross-referencing guests with the pre-approved guest list, 为21岁以上人士提供手环, directing 21+ individuals with alcohol to the designated bar area, verifying approved beer cans and alcohol content, calling 校园安全 to assist intoxicated individuals per TIPS training, and turning away individuals not on the guest list, 包括主办机构成员;
    • 一名TIPS团队成员在指定的酒吧区域为21岁以上的带腕带的个人提供每小时一杯饮料;
    • 一名TIPS团队成员站在楼梯旁,防止个人上楼,除非该地点唯一的浴室在楼上,然后他们将监控浴室的使用情况(以18街公共社区大楼为例), this member can be an extra “floater” or assist at the bar area);
    • 一名TIPS团队成员,作为“浮动人员”,其职责是在前门协助成员, 在指定的酒吧区, checking on the safety and security of guests as well as policy compliance checks;
    • 请注意,浩博体育app网站工作人员将被告知TIPS团队成员的姓名,并将寻找这些个人作为政策合规执行的主要人员.
  • Hosts of the Social Event are responsible for the oversight of guests’ actions, 包括组织成员e.g., excessively loud noise, conduct unbecoming, underage individuals consuming alcohol. Hosts are also responsible for restoring the venue, 包括会场外, 经住宿生活处和设施管理处批准恢复原状. Host organizations assume all costs for any clean up or repairs found the day after the event.
  • 学生s may not leave the Social Event and return with more alcohol. 学生s may not arrive to the Social Event after two (2) hours into the Event.
  • 未用完的酒在第二天之前不得退还给客人,也可以在活动结束时由TIPS团队处理.
  • 获得社会活动的批准表明该组织成员同意遵守学生行为准则, and the 社会活动政策 as outlined above. 浩博体育app’s university officials, 包括执行其职责的学生职员和校园安全专家, 保留在活动期间执行政策合规性和安全和安保检查的权利. 未能与大学官员合作或未能遵守上述政策可能导致活动被提前关闭,并可能通过学生行为导致纪律处分和/或禁止主办机构举办未来注册的活动.